Painting & Printmaking

I enjoy helping people see beauty and experience wonders in the simple but profoundly miraculous moments of each day, and in a way they’ve never done before.

I believe my purpose as an artist is to reveal the beauty that is all around us but often goes unnoticed in the daily rush of life. Even the simplest and most abstract of my images are quite complex in the layering of meaning behind them and how they fit into the body of work.

Without art, our world is dry and lifeless. We wilt.

The great film director Alfred Hitchcock, said:

“Our primary function is to create an emotion and our secondary function is to sustain that emotion.”

It's the same with artwork, whether it's drawing, painting, photography, etching, collage, sculpture or any other form. The artist's goal is for the viewer to experience something from their creation. They begin with their heart intention and then layer on other elements such as colour, the use of various mediums, scale, light and dark, line, form, symmetry, repetition and a host of other intentional and intuitive methods to make a work which expresses their theme.

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